Youth Mentoring Program

SCDC offers balanced, developmentally appropriate programs that inspire and teach children how to pursue educational and career opportunities, set goals and achieve them.

SCDC offers balanced, developmentally appropriate programs that inspire and teach children how to pursue educational and career opportunities, set goals and achieve them.

SCDC Youth Mentors work with parents, public schools and community partners to establish mentoring relationships with students that help them embrace healthy behavioral patterns instead of negative ones.

Our Programs are designed to encourage wholeness and identify the unique qualities of each child. This is achieved by stimulating their intellectual curiosity to reveal individual strengths, interests, and abilities. In addition, we evaluate and celebrate the progress and milestones of our participants.

SCDC utilizes a 3-point blended approach to mentoring:

  • One-On-One Mentoring and Tutoring that focuses on developing basic social, academic, and technical skills.
  • Group Sessions focus on building self-esteem and confidence through team-building and social activities.
  • Online Videos by career professionals reinforce character development and success strategies.


1.   To offer a Youth Mentoring Program for pre-teens and adolescents interested in graduation assistance and preparation for post-graduation opportunities including college, vocational training, or entrepreneurship.
2.   To introduce the concepts of work ethics, responsibility, and accountability to participants in The Program.
3.   To develop effective public speaking skills through exercises that improve writing and communication skills.
4.   To teach Team Building through group exercises and activities.
5.   To teach participants how to prepare, seek and obtain employment opportunities by learning skills that make them stand out among competitors.
6.   To inspire youths to aspire to greatness by building their self-esteem and confidence.
7.   To create a safe place to discuss issues that concern youths.
8.   To strengthen the family by demonstrating and imparting the attributes of respect, integrity, responsibility, and accountability into youths so they can become active, helpful members of the family and community.
9.   To provide guidance, encouragement, and support to participants of The Program and
their families.
10.  To support youths and families of The Program through crisis, tragedy, and difficult times by offering resources, support services and a haven when needed.
11.  To provide a faith-based learning environment based on the Biblical principles of faith, hope, love, and charity.
12.  To offer a quality youth mentoring program on a sliding scale based on the parent’s ability to pay.
13.  To create a safe environment for youths that participate in The Program by carefully screening staff as appropriate, allowed and required by law.
14.  To assist youths and parents by offering a safe, productive environment for home schooled or latchkey participants to receive the help and study management they need when parents are working, tired, overwhelmed or otherwise unable to give the support needed to a struggling student.
15.  To expose youths to various aspects of business, industry, culture, and recreation through field trips that expand their knowledge, understanding and potential.
16.  Invite business organizations, professionals, trade schools, and career experts to speak to youths to encourage and inform them.
17.  Seek tours, internships, scholarships and other opportunities for youths to acquire hands on experience in their particular areas of interest.
18.  Make information and opportunities available to the Spanish speaking communi


  •  To increase the grade point average of students in The Program.
  •  To quantify improvement based on testing and evaluations.
  • To give awards and scholarships to celebrate the achievements of participants in The Program.
  •  To offer options and secure enrollment into higher education institutions, vocational training, or employment for participants in The Program.
  •  To witness improvement in child development, family unity and increased stability as a
    result of participation in The Program.
  • To see each child, succeed and reach his/her fullest potential.

Summer Youth Program

Registration begins from
7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

Parents Pick up from
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.


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